Oh how quickly things change…
By order of the governor, all chiropractic offices in the state of Kentucky will be closed until further notice beginning Friday at 5:00 PM.
Until then, we will be seeing patients with the additional measures I mentioned yesterday. As soon as we know something different, we will reach out.
Yours in health,
Dr. Michael Owsley
There is a lot of uncertainty going around about the Covid-19 disease and the Novel Corona Virus.
Our office is open and available to assist those of our patients who are in need. Chiropractic is much more than just back pain. By helping the over stimulated nervous system, it can help your body be more readily able to defend itself. The most important keys to being and staying healthy are to get ample rest and good nutrition while also caring for your nervous system with chiropractic care and exercising proper hygiene practices.
That said, our office is also taking additional steps to mitigate any possibility of contamination. Those steps are included below:
-Limiting the number of people in the office at one time to less than ten.
-Maintaining proper social distancing of at least 6 feet between patients while they are in the office.
-Ensuring and enforcing appropriate hygiene measures including thorough, regular hand washing.
-Ensuring any staff member who is ill remains at home.
-Cleaning frequently touched surfaces and objects thoroughly.
-Ensuring that patients are treated in a timely manner and limit direct contact to only that which is medically necessary.
We would also ask that any patient who feels they may be ill or experiencing respiratory symptoms, please reschedule for such time as you are feeling these symptoms have passed. As always, if you feel you are experiencing a medical emergency, please contact HMH or your nearest emergency care provider.
Thank you for your patience.
Yours in health,
Dr. Michael Owsley